Friday, January 7, 2011


Perceptions are an amazing thing. We can all look at the same image or share the same experience but come out with different results. Our personal perception is created by all of our history. If we look at things through a positive lens or a negative lens. Our trials and tribulations, our joys and pains shape us. I admit that my first reaction is to only see the point of where I am coming from but what if I could change that around to communicate with people with the understanding of where they are coming from first. I recently have been struggling with this. I have been trying so hard for some people to see where I am coming from that I have been so mad because they don't understand, but what if I step up to bat first and decide to say you know I don't know their story but maybe they are struggling with ? or maybe they are just having a bad day. It's hard to give up the fight for a point but maybe it is the Divine way to move forward and experience peace. I decided that it is a lost battle to try and make people see your perception and that it is only possible when a person decides to step out of viewing the situation from their perspective. So here's to today, I am going to try and step out of seeing things from my point of view and try to make an effort to step into someone's elses perspective.


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