Friday, December 24, 2010

Hard couple of weeks

The past couple of weeks have been a little difficult. We were so ready to bring Massi home. The not knowing when has been a bit of a journey. Yesterday as I was running on the treadmill I began thinking what are my lessons in this wait and the one thing that kept running through my mind over and over is God has the day marked that we are supposed to bring our little boy home and that day wasn't dec 7th and wasn't dec 21st. It doesn't matter what I do that day is set. Another thing that I realized is I have a wonderful group of friends. You support me, pray for me, encourage me when I am down. Your words have helped so much. The overwhelming response to walking with me in this journey has been priceless. I cannot express how much it means to me. I love each of you so much and can't wait for you to meet the little boy that you have been praying for all this time.
It is Christmas Eve and we decided to come up north early. We are having an awesome time spending time with family. This is my nephews first Christmas. He is so adorable. Alek and Natalie got to open some presents this morning and they were so excited. Even though a member of our family is missing this weekend we know that our Father is loving him and giving all that he needs until his is able to come home to his forever family.
Merry Christmas....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny kid stories

I absolutely think 4 and 5 year olds are the funniest people around. The other day I was taking Alek to school and as we pull up to the drop off he says mom "snowball fights at recess are illegal" I said who told you that he says "mom, its the law" and gets out of the car and walks right into school.
I wish I kept a journal for all the funny things that they say throughout the day or maybe even a recording to keep for the days that I am feeling a little gloomy. Those one liner conversations can sure cheer someone up.
The last 2 days have been a little rough. I can't help but think that we should be in Ethiopia going to get our little Massi. It makes me sad that it could be a couple more months. We are really praying the embassy workers are able to get to through our case as soon as possible so that we are invited to come. Please lift these prayers up to support us.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No trip this week

Well the trip that we have been preparing ourselves for, for the past month is now not going to happen. We found out last week that our case along with a couple of others is under investigation at the US embassy. It could take 1 to 2 months or longer. We do not have any answers at this time. We are so sad that our boy will not be here for Christmas. We are sad that it has been a long 7 month journey to bring this little boy home and still we have no end in sight. Thank you for your prayers and we will keep you posted.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Awesome night

Tonight was so awesome. Four of my friends were able to bring their kids home. First our friends Tim and Maria who had their baby over a week ago were able to bring baby Grant home. I am so happy for them. This has been a long journey to baby #4. I am so happy that Grant is doing better.
Next we were able to go to the airport tonight to welcome friends home after this long journey of adoption. Tonight each of them are experiencing their completed family in the peace of their homes. Something that you think about for months and finally it is a reality. I can't explain the joy I felt for each of them as they walked down the hallway to meet their friends and family. Congratulations to you all we are so excited for you.
On our families note we do not have any updates. We are hoping to hear something Monday.
Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


We haven't posted in a while mostly because we have been extremely busy preparting to leave on the 15th. This week we found out that know the US embassy in Ethiopia is going to investigate our case along with some others. They are investigating that our agency has been ethical throughout our file. I am in disbelief that we are yet stuck. We have no idea how long this will take and no one will tell us any information. We are in limbo and just expected to sit here and wait. It just makes me so sad that there is a little boy thousands of miles away that we would like to bring home and we don't even have an idea to when this is going to happen. When we recieved our referral he was just over 2 years old and by the time that he comes home he will close to 3. We are so close to being and the end of this paperwork journey but yet things just keep coming up. There is still a glimmer of hope that the embassy will still allow us to come however it is a little glimmer. My heart is heavy that there is a strong chance we will not go next week. We have to move forward still laying our hearts on the line that soon the day will come.
Today, a little joy however was brought over. I got to spend the whole day with my little buddy (nephew Noah). I haven't seen or held him since he was tied up with tubes. That little boy is so special. I just held him and played with him all afternoon. He is just wanted I needed to feel a little at peace today.
Tonight Alek had his school Christmas program. It was the cutest thing. Alek is growing up so much. We can't believe that he is 5 and we are going to school programs.
Tomorrow we get to go to the airport to welcome some friends home from this long journey of adoption. They are bringing their little boy home. We are so happy and excited for them and eager to meet Easton.
hopefully I will be able to post some more updates soon. Thank you for your prayers.