Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny kid stories

I absolutely think 4 and 5 year olds are the funniest people around. The other day I was taking Alek to school and as we pull up to the drop off he says mom "snowball fights at recess are illegal" I said who told you that he says "mom, its the law" and gets out of the car and walks right into school.
I wish I kept a journal for all the funny things that they say throughout the day or maybe even a recording to keep for the days that I am feeling a little gloomy. Those one liner conversations can sure cheer someone up.
The last 2 days have been a little rough. I can't help but think that we should be in Ethiopia going to get our little Massi. It makes me sad that it could be a couple more months. We are really praying the embassy workers are able to get to through our case as soon as possible so that we are invited to come. Please lift these prayers up to support us.


Janine said...

We're praying right along with you guys! You have lots to look forward to next year. Aaahhhh!! 3 kids!!!

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