Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our last day in Ethiopia saturday

This morning we went to say good-bye to our boy. I must say we have a pretty funny kid. He could not be more perfect for our family. Today I was holding another little girl and swinging her around and he walked up to me grabbed my arm to put her down and do it to him. The funny part is this whole week he hasn't come up to us. It has been us going to him. I was only able to hold him once before this for the whole week. It was pretty amazing. I think that he connects that we are there for him hopefully he knows that we will back for him....
After our good-byes we went to Birtukan and Nesibu's feeding program. It is a program that they run on Saturdays to feed over 1000 children. What an amazing ministry. Birtukan herself was a sponsored child through World Vision. God has placed this program on her heart and brought her a husband that shares the vision. When we were feeding these children I have never felt so much love and kindness. These kids were awesome. Among this God has never felt so close. After the program, we decided to sponsor 3 kids. This sponsorship pays for school fees, yearly checkups, counseling, a meal on Saturday, school supplies and allows them to stay with their families. There are over 600 kids in the ministry that still need sponsors. if you feel that your family could help out in this way it is only $30 a month. What a great life lesson to teach your kids. They can have a friend completely around the world. If you would like to sponsor a child, please let me know and I can get you the contact info. It is only $1 a day. I think that we all can find a $1 a day.... Grace and Peace everyone.....


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