Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Pity Party is Over

So the last couple of days I have had quite the party. I want to thank of all my dear friends for coming to my party and sitting with me in my anger, frustration, sadness and all other feelings. I truly appreciate you jumping into the situation and getting mad with me. I thank you that you didn't try to offer advice and that you sat in the emotions that I was in. Without all of you, I couldn't reach this peace this soon. I want to say thank you to the police lady for saying sorry, thank you to my social worker for saying sorry and to all my friends who have said sorry and that didn't even have a part in it. I'm sorry I believe is one of the most powerful statements. I'm sorry helps people move forward from frustration to understanding. After all, how could you be mad at someone who says I am sorry with all of their heart. Something in those words does something to your heart. Tonight I have decided to gear up the energy to look forward to passing court whenever that is. It will happen.
One thing that my aunt said to me the other day was: Trust God in the dark, like you trusted Him in the light. That is so true. It is easy to trust God when things are going great or even good. It is so hard to trust Him when you can't see an end and you are in the thick of it. That has been my lesson. For those of you who have prayed for peace. Thank you. I am surrendering and I have peace. Tomorrow is a new day..


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