Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It has been a long week and a half. Last week I spent most of the week at U of M hospital with my sister and nephew. His surgery went really well and they believe that he will not have to have any other surgeries. We had a little scare when he first came into the ICU. They were trying to push some fluid because he was low and his heart didn't like the method so his heart completely stopped for 3 minutes. My sister and I were in the room when this happened. I have never been so scared in my life. I just kept praying to God to save this little boy. Thankfully our prayer was answered and they were able to get his heart working again. They were 30 seconds from reopening him right there in the room. Since then, he has been doing well. He actually came home yesterday from the hospital. So keep baby Noah in your prayers for a healthy recovery.
On Friday on my way home from the hospital we found out that we passed court. YEA!!!!! Finally we are completed with that step. Mazengia is officially our little boy. We are a family of 5 and now outnumbered. We are planning on leaving on Dec 15th to travel back to Ethiopia to pick him up. We will be back Christmas Eve night. It is going to be an awesome Christmas. I already love Christmas for many reasons and now it is going to be the most special year by far. Now we just wait to hear that they have a new birth certificate and passport for him and we will be all set.
This past weekend all of us except Natalie has had the flu. Boy, was it a nasty one. Ben by far had it the worst. Thankfully we all are in the home stretch of it.
Lastly, I would like to share some stories of families in need of prayers. We have dear friends of ours that just found out that the husband has lymphoma cancer. He is going to be starting chemo on Monday. Please keep them in your prayers as they also have 3 young kids. Please pray that the chemo is effective and that it will kill the cancer completely.
Please pray for friends of ours that have run into a last minute snag with their adoption paperwork. This process is so long anyway and to run into something at the very end when you are so close to bringing your little one home is very hard to understand. Please pray that they can get all of this taken care so that they can travel soon to pick their little one up.
We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and time with family. We have so much to be grateful and thankful this year.


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